Financial Calculators

Please select a category. These calculators cannot be used to predict future performance of any investment and are not guaranteed calculations.

This information is designed to provide a general overview with regard to the subject matter covered and is not state specific. The authors, publisher and host are not providing legal, accounting or specific advice to your situation. [accordion] [section name=”Retirement“]Retirement Savings
IRA Eligibility
Roth IRA Conversion
Impact of Inflation
Cost of Waiting[/section] [section name=”Consumer Debt“]Life Insurance Need
Home of Affordability
Loan Acceleration
Home Refinance
Credit Card Payoff
Lease vs Purchase[/section] [section name=”Insurance“]Life Insurance Need
Life Expectancy
LTC Insurance Need[/section] [section name=”Finances“]Net Worth
Cash Flow
Lifetime Earnings
Future Value Estimator
Lump Sum vs Payments
Number of Periods[/section] [section name=”College“]Saving For College[/section] [section name=”Investing“]Risk Profiler
Needed Savings
Asset Allocation
Savings Growth[/section] [section name=”Taxation“]2014 Income Tax
Paycheck Analyzer
Federal Withholding[/section] [section name=”Estate“]Estate Taxes[/section][/accordion]